Sertifikasi Covid-19
Instructions and recommendation from the government / local government and hotel policies regarding the cleanliness, health, safety and security during the Covid-19 pandemic.
(Instruksi dan imbauan pemerintah / pemerintah daerah dan kebijakan hotel tentang kebersihan, kesehatan, keselamatan dan keamanan pada masa pandemi Covid-19)
1. | Giving information to hotel employees, especially receptionists if the guests have health problems (fever, cough, flu, sore throat, and/ or respiratory disorders) | Memberikan informasi kepada karyawan hotel, khususnya resepsionis jika mengalami gangguan kesehatan (demam, batuk, pilek, nyeri tenggorokan, dan/atau sesak napas |
2. | No physical contact with other people (touching, kissing, hugging and other intimate contact) | Tidak melakukan kontak fisik dengan orang lain (menyentuh, mencium, memeluk dan kontak intim lainnya |
3. | Avoiding to touch your own face (especially eyes, nose, mouth) | Menghindari menyentuh bagian wajah (terutama mata, hidung, dan mulut) |
4. | Washing the hand with soap and or use hand sanitizer if there is any physical contact/touch the public items and other belongings and after covering the nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing | Mencuci tangan dengan sabun/ menggunakan hand sanitizer jika menyentuh area public atau barang milik orang lain dan setelah menutup hidung dan mulut ketika batuk/bersin |
5. | Maintaining a social distance between other at least 1 (one) meter | Menjaga jarak aman dengan orang lain minimal 1 (satu) meter |
6. | Following the rules of sitting position/sports position/ queuing in the lobby, restaurant and public area facilities at the hotel by maintaining a safe distance of at least 1 (one) meter | Mengikuti aturan posisi duduk/posisi olahraga/serta antrean di lobby, restaurant dan area public fasilitas di hotel dengan menjaga jarak aman minimal 1 (satu) meter |
7. | Wearing the mask properly within the hotel area | Memakai masker dengan benar ketika berada di area hotel |
8. | Implementing coughs and sneezes etiquette (over coughs and sneezes with clean tissues or your elbow and dispose of tissues | Menerapkan etika batuk dan bersin (tutuplah dengan tisu bersih atau siku dan kemudian buanglah tisu di bak sampah yang tertutup |
9. | Always consume the healthy food and vitamin | Selalu mengkonsumsi makanan sehat dan vitamin |
10. | There is no crowd at every activity that takes place in the hotel area. | Tidak ada kerumunan pada setiap aktifitas yang berlangsung di area hotel. |
11. | After using the toilet in the room, lobby, restaurant, swimming pool and public facilities in the hotel area please keep it hygiene, clean, dry, and not have the bad smell | Ketika menggunakan toilet di kamar, lobby, restaurant, kolam renang dan fasilitas public di area hotel dengan tetap menjaga agar tetap higienis, bersih, kering, dan tidak bau setelah digunakan |
12 | Throwing trash in the trash bin | Membuang sampah di tempat sampah |
13. | Disposing of used food and tissue in the trash and keep the trash can closed | Membuang bekas makanan serta tisu di tempat sampah serta menjaga agar tempat sampah tetap tertutup |
14. | It is recommended to bring personal worship and / or sports equipment and follow the provisions of the applicable health protocol | Disarankan membawa peralatan ibadah dan / atau olahraga pribadi masing-masing dan tetap mengikuti ketentuan protocol kesehatan yang berlaku |